Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Paulie's officially One!!

So Paulie turned one on March 30th! He survived his first year, yay! Christine had mentioned she's happy he survived with having 2 tough older brothers haha. We had a great first year with Paulie. When he was first born, I felt overwhelmed how could I take care of 3 little boys, he was up a little more than Colin was at night time but, it wasn't long before he got on a really good schedule, when we switched to formula at 4 months he slept all night and that's when his schedule really stuck. He was such a good infant always content and happy. He has such a bright personality and he already has a sense of humor. He's definitely a little actor he pretends to cough when other people do, he does a fake whine and makes such animated faces. The boys really love having a baby brother. Although they can be rough with him sometimes (which will mean he will be the toughest out of the 3 of them) they do teach him new things and include him during play time. He still hasn't taken any free steps but he's getting around holding onto tables, toys, gates, anything that's around to assist him. He still only has 2 teeth on the bottom but the top 2 look like they are ready to pop out of the gums. Paulie had 2 great birthday parties and loved eating cake and opening gifts at both. The party on sunday he stuck his foot in the cake but, that will always be a memory of his first birthday. I feel truly blessed to have him be a part of our family. Lately everyone's been getting pregnant and having children I on the other hand do not think 4 would mesh well for me and besides Paulie would be a tough act to follow. Thank You all for celebrating Paulie's birthday with us! We appreciated having you all and we loved all of his gifts. --->

Today was Paulie's first trip to the barber shop. My cousin Megan, I and the boys took him to JD's on Rowland Ave. Megan's boyfriend Jim did the honors. I was a little sad about taking him for his first hair cut but, I know he needed it, the boy has so much hair and it started hanging all in his face. It's a tradition in my family, not to cut the babies hair until they are one it's bad luck to cut it before then. Anwyays, Paulie sat so nice and did such a good job at getting his haircut. You would have thought he was a celebrity baby Megan had the video camera going and I was snapping a million pictures with my digital. The barbers probably thought oh she's just another psychotic, crazy mother! haha Jim was a good sport, and I didn't care it was a big moment for me as it was with the other 2 when getting their first hair cuts. I was so impressed by how good he was. He received a First Haircut Certificate and Jim gave us a strand of Paulie's baby hair to take home, which will be placed in his baby book. Now he is officially no longer an infant and Im not going to lie Im a little sad about him becoming a big boy. It went by to fast for me, but it always does. I'm really looking forward to watching him grow with his big brothers. At this stage he does something new every day and it is very exciting for all of us. Even the boys now will comment look Mom look at Paulie! They get a kick out of him when doing something they've never seen him do before. He really is the light of our lives.

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